Insights Discovery Assessment and Workshop

What is Insights Discovery?


Insights Discovery is a powerful, dynamic psychometric tool that is used to help people better understand themselves as leaders, team members, and individuals.  

The foundational work of Insights is creating authentic connection with ourselves and our teams. It’s this journey toward self-awareness and the awareness of others, where people truly understand themselves and their impact on others. From this space we can realize the power of choice and choose how we want to show up. 

When your leaders have great awareness of themselves and others, they are able to put actionable plans in place to more effectively adapt and connect with others. This allows them to focus their attention on creating value for your business rather than on unhealthy team dynamics.     


Watch this video giving further detail on Insights Discovery

As a licensed practitioner, I offer the following:

Insights Discovery 101


Introduction to Insights Discovery Workshop

Recommended as a 4 hour workshop. Ideal for up to 20-30 participants per workshop* (virtual available). For larger teams and departments - I can scale with multiple workshops to accommodate any organizational need. 

  • Participants will receive an individualized Insights Discovery profile (28 pages) which outlines detailed insights into their preferences, how they lead, communicate, get motivation, etc. The Insights Discovery profile with offer their personalized colour energy graph, wheel and how to immediately apply their learnings to their workplace. The Package also includes a Reference Guide, Blocks and a Team Wheel, which shows each team members preferences in a dynamic clear  
  • In the workshop participants will learn: What is perception, identify their own bias and perceptions and share 'why is perception important in the context of  workplace?' 
  • Participants will learn: What is the Insights Discovery model, created by the underpinnings of Junging Theory. They will learn about the 4 colour energies that make up the model, which can be immediately applied to create connection with themselves and others. 
  • Participants will learn how to "Adapt and Connect" their preference style. To do this, they will learn how to adapt their own preferences through communication and perception changes. They will then identify the preferences of others and learn how to meet the needs of others to create more connection and understanding in the workplace. 
  • Your team will also receive a Team Colour Wheel which is an info graph depicting how your teams colour energies preference are distributed along the The Eight Types (Archetypes) wheel. 

Insights Discovery 201

Team Effectiveness Training 

Recommended as a 3 hour follow-up workshop to Insights Discovery (above). Ideal for up to 20-30 participants per workshop *(virtual available). * For larger teams and departments - I can scale with multiple workshops to accommodate any organizational need. 


  • Building on learnings from the Introduction Workshop, your team will dive into assessing their team strengths and opportunities from a colour energy perspective and they will learn what strategies will support the gaps. 
  • We will assess your team wheel opportunities, pitfalls and next steps, perceived value to the team, opposite types and blind spots. 
  • Customized exercises will allow for work in areas such as trust-based vulnerability, giving and receiving feedback cross-functionally, and healthy conflict.    
  • Customized Insights Discovery Workshops: In-depth customized group coaching using your team’s colour distribution, profiles and Team Wheel. Allows us to dive into specific issues that are impeding your team’s success.  




Owner of Calling Mountain Productions 

"Working with Courtney, I saw things differently, my personal and professional goals shifted and I truly realized a shift was needed. She made me realize I needed to celebrate myself and pinpoint why I was so afraid of making a shift. She essentially helped me find courage in making my next move in my business. I would recommend Courtney’s service to anyone looking for a shift, a new beginning, and ultimately to get to place of self love.” 


Entrepreneur and Creative Director, Siiri and Stone

"Working with Courtney has been the best investment I have ever made! Not only did she guide me to get clear on many aspects of my life, she helped me discover so many things about myself I didn't even know existed. Whether it is overcoming fear or celebrating every little win, she is, so lovingly, always in your corner. I am looking forward to working with her again in the future!”

Ed Frauenheim

Speaker, co-author of Reinventing Masculinity, co-founder of The Teal Team

"I've been lucky to have Courtney coach me in recent months. She's had a direct, positive impact on me and my business. I think it has to do with her remarkable, rare combination of deep care, close listening and smart strategies. Courtney has helped me remember my passions and gifts, trust in them, and then figure out how to express them--in sustainable, revenue-generating ways!

Insights Discovery Signature Integration


Executive Coaching Support + Insights Discovery Outcomes


WHAT IS IT? Insights Discovery Signature Integration is an add-on offering for companies that have already invested in the Insights Discovery 101 Workshop and are looking to leverage the learning to drive results. This 12-week  program provides 1:1 executive coaching support for key-leaders in the organization to ensure the learning is not only implemented, but integrated into the organization to improve team communication, team performance and better results for the company.

WHY? The biggest challenge after the Insights Discovery workshop is that the leaders usually get too busy to find the time to integrate the learning back into the workplace. So Insights gets lost and not utilized to its full potential. The Insights Discovery Signature Integration ensures the company's investment into Insights Discovery is not only leveraged to maximum potential, but creates dynamic results for the team. 

WHAT IS INCLUDED? The Insights Discovery Signature Integration program includes 12-weeks of 1:1 coaching support with 45-min bi-weekly calls and ongoing guidance post-workshop. In this program I will be offering additional tools and team effectiveness  resources to make a big impact. 

*A key-leader is anyone who has high influence on the team and direct reports (think … directors, executives, senior managers.

In six 1:1 sessions, we will: 

〰️ Celebrate and leverage your strengths as a leader - Your Leader Within

〰️ Examine personal narratives and enable your SAGE brain - Perception, Bias and Sabetours 

〰️ Identify your unconscious reactions and create emotional regulation - Your Color Energies Under Stress

〰️ Detect blocks in team communication  - The Communication Matrix 

〰️ Design strategies to support the team - Adapt and Connect through reverse-engineered 360 assessment 

〰️ Apply strategies for Team Growth - Through 'Strengths within a Team Wheel'


Insights Discovery Signature integration makes it easy for leaders to create results after the workshop, with tailored learning outcomes and dynamic CTI certified professional coaching approach. 


See our Insights Discovery Packages below. 

Insights Discovery Packages 

Insights Discovery Inspired Package

This package will inspire your leaders, ignite change in workplace dynamics and create a culture of awareness. Workshops are designed for up to 35 Leaders. If your organization is larger than 30 people, I can scale to any organizational need, we will work together on creating multiple workshops - 100% Virtual available.

Insights Discovery 101



Half Day  or Full Day Workshop

Leaders will identify their own bias and perceptions, learn about the 4-colour model and how to adapt and connect their style to make an effective and whole team. Each participant will receive a Insights Discovery personalized profile and learn about the colour energies, the graphs, your preferences in how you work. You will also receive a Team Colour Wheel to see how your colour energies are distributed and learn what this means for your team. 

Insights Discovery Learning Package


Profile is $220 USD/ per person

 An individualized Insights Discovery profile (28 pages) which outlines detailed insights into each leaders preferences, how they lead, communicate, get motivation, blindspots etc. The Insights Discovery profile will offer their personalized colour energy graph, wheel and how to immediately apply their learnings to their workplace. The Package also includes a Reference Guide, Blocks and a Team Wheel, which shows each team members preferences in a dynamic clear 

Insights Discovery 201



3 hour workshop

Building on learnings from the 10 Workshop, your team will dive into strengths and opportunities from a colour energy perspective.  With a customized design 201 can take many forms based on the team's needs. Including: 

  • Getting clear on the opportunities for team growth. 
  • Uncover the blocks in communication.
  • Trust-based vulnerability, understanding stress through colour energies, healthy conflict and giving and receiving feedback cross-functionally.

Insights Discovery Transformational Package

This package will transform your leaders, workplace dynamics and culture and make the big impact you are looking for. Workshops are designed for 20-30 Leaders. If your organization is larger than 30 people, I can scale to any organizational need, we will work together on creating multiple workshops - 100% Virtual available.

Insights Discovery 101



Half Day  or Full Day Workshop


In a full day learners will to learn about perception, bias, the 4-colour model, how to recognize, adapt and connect their style to work more effectively with co-workers. Additionally we will take a deeper dive into Insights Discovery individualized profile, your team/peers colour wheel, and a tool we call the Communication Matrix. Learnings also include the relationship between stress and your individual colour energies and how to support yourself and teammates in stress.

Insights Discovery 201



4 Hour Workshop


Building on learnings from the 10 Workshop, your team will dive into strengths and opportunities from a colour energy perspective.  With a customized design 201 can take many forms based on the team's needs. Including: 

  • Getting clear on the opportunities for team growth. 
  • Uncover the blocks in communication.
  • Trust-based vulnerability, understanding stress through colour energies, healthy conflict and giving and receiving feedback cross-functionally.
Insights Discovery Learning Package


Each Profile is $220 USD


An individualized Insights Discovery profile (28 pages) which outlines detailed insights into each leaders preferences, how they lead, communicate, get motivation, blindspots etc. The Insights Discovery profile will offer their personalized colour energy graph, wheel and how to immediately apply their learnings to their workplace. The Package also includes a Reference Guide, Blocks and a Team Wheel, which shows each team members preferences in a dynamic clear visual.

Insights Discovery Learning Package


6 sessions of Executive 1:1 Coaching Support + Insights Discovery Outcomes for Key Leaders

The Insights Discovery Signature Integration program includes 6 sessions of 1:1 coaching support with 45-min bi-weekly calls and ongoing guidance post-workshop. To ensure the learning is not only implemented, but integrated into the organization to improve team communication, team performance and better results for the company. 


Watch this video to see how Insights is impactful in the workplace:


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Who I've Worked With

Liz Hicks

Talent Manager at Mt. Bachelor

"Courtney is one of the most talented L&D professionals I have had the pleasure of working with. Her facilitation skills are top-notch, with an ability to pivot, dive deeper, and adjust to various learning styles as needed. She delivers information in a way that not only facilitates high-level learning, but also encourages fun, play, and connection.” 

Natalie Lehman

Business and Leadership Coach. MS, Organizational Leadership and Learning

"Courtney is an amazing coach! She's passionate, empathetic, and incredibly knowledgeable. Her guidance is both practical and profound, and she's helped me develop valuable tools and strategies that have completely changed my life. She helped me identify the mindsets that were holding me back, create a vision for my life and business, and inspired me every step of the way. Her unwavering belief in my potential helped me break through barriers and achieve remarkable growth and success. I can't recommend her highly enough!"

Emily Goff

Founder and GM Arizona Zipline Adventures

"Courtney is doing exactly what she was meant to do! She is an excellent coach. She pushed me to think about my business in ways that I had not done before and helped make me a better leader, business owner and person. I highly recommend working with her!” 

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